Subproject 2 is implemented by the Enzyme Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Groups from the University of Ioannina. The subject of this Subproject includes the development of processes aiming at the production of high added value food additives, wines with improved organoleptic characteristics as well as biomass and prebiotic substances using wastes and by-products. Lastly it includes a set of activities to support the organization, operation and sustainability of the Infrastructure and to contribute to its preparation for the implementation phase.

Main objectives
1. The production of esters from agro-industrial wastes which may be used as natural additives in the food industry, as raw material for cosmetics, and for the production of pharmaceutical and other products.
2. The production of clarified white and red wines using grape must processed with plant proteases (papain and bromelain).
3. The production of wine with improved organoleptic characteristics using isolated native “wild-type” wine yeasts.
4. The production of biomass and prebiotic substances (inulin, galactooligosaccharides, etc) by the biological degradation of industrial wood by-products with cellulolytic and ligninolytic basidiomycetes.
5. The development of innovative services and procedures to support the organisation, operation and sustainability of the Infrastructure.
Work packages
- WP1 Exploitation of agro-industrial wastes for the production of high added value food additives
- WP2 Clarification of white and red wines using proteases of plant origin
- WP3 Use of mixed cultures of wine yeast for the production of wine with improved organoleptic characteristics
- WP4 Biological degradation of industrial by-products using microorganisms for the production of biomass and prebiotic substances
- WP5 Coordination, Management and Organisation