Subproject 5 is implemented by the Laboratory of Chemistry Biochemistry and Food Chemistry of the Harokopio University of Athens, is organized in 4 work packages and fucoses on the development on new food products with beneficial ingredients, the in vivo assessment of their effect in animal models and a set of activities to support the organization, operation and sustainability of the Infrastructure and to contribute to its preparation for the implementation phase.

Main objectives
1. The development of new food products with beneficial health effects based on traditional Greek recipes and/or raw material, by using modern technologies such as encapsulation.
2. The study of the bioacessibility and bioavailability of the active ingredients.
3. The in vivo evaluation of their effect using animal models.
4. The support of the infrastructure network.
4. The development of innovative services and procedures to support the organisation, operation and sustainability of the Infrastructure.
Work packages
- WP 1 Development of new products and evaluation of their physicochemical characteristics and organoleptic properties
- WP 2 Chemical analysis and evaluation of the bioaccessibility and/or bioavailability of the new product's polar phenols
- WP 3 Nutritional intervention with functional systems/food in T1D animal models
- WP 4 Coordination, Management and Organisation of the Infrastructure