FOOD INNOVATION RI is a distributed national research infrastructure of Greece that aims to support research, education and innovation of the Agri-food sector by implementing breakthrough research and providing open access to first class facilities, knowledge and advanced services to researchers and professionals from the academic, domestic and industrial sector.
Going through its preparatory phase, it combines the facilities, knowledge and experience of high quality research groups from 7 Universities of Greece with a complementary scientific background including food chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry, microbiology, genetics, nutrition, biotechnology and sustainable development.
Initially, FOOD INNOVATION RI was included in the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures in Greece in November 2016 and, two years later, initiated its activities in the city of Patras.
FOOD INNOVATION RI is an infrastructure network consisted of research groups and laboratories from the University of Patras, which stands as the Central Hub, and from 6 Research Organisations of Greece operating as interlinked regional nodes.
These Organisations are the University of Ioannina, the Agricultural University of Athens, the Harokopio University of Athens, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Democritus University of Thrace and the Ionio University.

Our Vision
FOOD INNOVATION RI vision is to constitute one of the main pillars for the national, European and international research ecosystem fostering high quality research, education and innovation in the Agri-food sector. FOOD INNOVATION RI is going through a three-year preparation phase with main strategic objectives to strengthen the innovation capacity of the Agri-food sector, to create a research network of excellence and to provide open access services to users.
Our Mission
FOOD INNOVATION RI mission is to provide the necessary resources to researchers and professionals from the academic, domestic and industrial sector to plan, develop, evolve and valorise food products and ingredients, production processes and novel technologies related to the Agri-food sector that will benefit human health, reduce cost of production, improve the quality and sustainability of the final product and improve their environmental performance.

Main Actions
In line with FOOD INNOVATION RI strategic objectives, a series of actions have been planned which include:
- implementation of breakthrough research actions, training and educational activities for researchers from the academic and business sector,
- networking and cooperation actions with research organisations, industry and European Research Infrastructures,
- development of advanced services and state of the art facilities accessible to users from the academic, public and business sector,
- a series of activities to strengthen its operational structure, its accessibility and its sustainability.
All activities of this three-year preparation phase are organized in 7 sub-projects implemented by the seven partners of FOOD INNOVATION RI. Each sub-project includes research, education and networking activities and actions that support the operational structure and sustainability of the infrastructure.