Subproject 7 will be implemented by the Food Chemistry, Microbiology and Industrial Fermentations Group of the Ionian University is organized in 4 work packages. Subproject 7 deals with the production of innovative high added value products based on the exploitation of by-products and wastes from the food industry, while contributing to the organization, operation and sustainability of the Infrastructure and its preparation for the implementation phase.
More specifically, the Subproject aims to develop innovative and sustainable bioprocesses for the exploitation of coffee, citrus and whey wastes producing high added value products, (e.g. biosurfactants, edible films and oil gels), as well as innovative services and procedures to support the organisation, operation and sustainability of the Infrastructure.

Work packages
- WP 1 Exploitation of whey and coffee wastes for the production of biosurfactants
- WP 2 Exploitation of whey and coffee/citrus wastes for the production of edible films
- WP 3 Exploitation of coffee and citrus wastes for the production of oil gels
- WP 4 Coordination, Management and Organisation of the Infrastructure