Subproject 4 is implemented by the Laboratory of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Hygiene and the Laboratory of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology of the Democritus University of Thrace, is organized in 5 work packages and focuses on the development of functional food by exploiting the beneficial effects of probiotic microorganisms. Subproject 4 involves the isolation of probiotic strains, the in vitro and in vivo assessment of their probiotic properties (in cooperation with the Harokopio University research group and the Center of Experimental Surgery and Translational Research, Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens), the development of new products enriched with functional characteristics and lastly a set of activities to support the organization, operation and sustainability of the Infrastructure and to contribute to its preparation for the implementation phase.

Main objectives
1.The isolation and characterization of lactic acid bacteria from kefir grains and the preliminary assessment of potential probiotic properties.
2. The in vivo evaluation of functional food ingredients (prebiotic dietary fibers) and/or lactic acid bacteria cultures in the regulation of intestinal microbiome in healthy and type 1 diabetes (T1D) animal models.
3. The design and development of novel food products enriched with functional cultures and/or prebiotic dietary fibers, based on the above results.
4. The successful dissemination of the results to enhance the visibility of the Infrastructure.
5. The development of innovative services and procedures to support the organisation, operation and sustainability of the Infrastructure.
Work packages
- WP 1 Isolation and characterisation of lactic acid bacteria and in vitro evaluation of functional characteristics
- WP 2 Ιn vivo evaluation of the effect of functional food ingredients on the intestinal microbiome of healthy and T1D animal models
- WP 3 Production of innovative food products enriched with functional cultures and/or prebiotic dietary fibres
- WP 4 Dissemination and visibility of the Infrastructure
- WP 5 Coordination, Management and Organisation of the Infrastructure